Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Time to Potty Train

So tonight Brent was taking out the garbage and I was feeding Lincoln upstairs. Linc was gassy and was fussing so my hands were pretty full. Amelia had decided she was ready to get ready for bed and so she took off her pants and ten proceeded to take off her diaper. Meanwhile, I am watching her and trying to about down to Brent while he is coming in and on of the house to take out all the garbage. While I was trying to yell down to him that she was naked, I look at her and she is totally peeing on the open diaper genie. What?! I thought only boys peed on things?! So hard not to laugh because it was so absolutely ridiculous! Time to read up on potty training I guess! And also I am totally using this post to blackmail her when she is a teenager. :)

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