Sunday, July 27, 2014

President Uchtdorf

Had one of the nearest experiences while some of us were dining at Maddox with Grandpa Keller today! We heard that president Uchtdorf was coming and we were next to the front windows, so we kept an eye out for him. When we came I was able to take Amelia over to the window so she could see him. He came in the back door with his family so they wouldn't draw too much attention, and then after they had been sitting for a bit, he came out to walk around the restaurant to talk to people. He came out and walked all the way to our table in the back corner and started talking to us. He introduced us to his grandson who had just returned home from his mission in China and was on his way to BYU. I have waited 27+ years for such an opportunity to meet an apostle of Jesus Christ, and am so grateful that my kids got to experience that as such a young age! I, of course, was not able to get out a sentence that made sense and Brent was freaking out cuz his hand was on his shoulder for like 3 minutes. Haha we were a little excited to say the least. I am so grateful for my testimony and for a living prophet and his apostles. I am so grateful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and how it has blessed me and my family's lives.

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