Monday, November 25, 2013

So Big!

As I am sitting in my lazy boy rocking my big boy, it is overwhelming to me how big he is getting so fast!

So I joined a gym again (woo hoo!) and have been going to classes early on the morning (5:30) so that it doesn't interfere with my day with the kids. It makes me so happy to exercise and it feels so good to get my body back into shape again... But I am tired. Haha. That is an early morning. So as I am laying here rocking Lincoln who just fell asleep, and listening to the rumble of Brent and Amelia asleep on our bed (she fell asleep right after she closed her eyes for prayer!), I am grateful for these memories. When Amelia doesn't go to sleep until 11:30, and I have been in her room for 2 hours trying to get her to sleep, it makes me so tired, and a little irritable... And then I remind myself to think about what I am doing. I am laying on the floor with my almost 2 year old, because more than sleep, she wants to cuddle with her mommy on the floor. And it makes me happy. Deliriously happy haha. I am grateful for every memory I get to make with my kids every day. Even when I am frustrated, 2 seconds later I am smiling an laughing because Amelia's apology is the most genuine and adorable thing I have ever seen. Or tonight when we were reading scriptures and she bonks me on the head as she is trying to get off my lap. I was upset because she hurt me, but we were laughing 20 seconds later when we realized all she wanted to do was go hide in the closet for a minute so she could poop . (Saving this post for her boyfriends!) These memories we are making... The good, bad, dirty, funny, exhausting, adorable memories... I wouldn't trade any of them for anything! I am very blessed!

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